During Eid al-Adha, Gazans find little to celebrate

During Eid al-Adha, Gazans find little to celebrate

More news - Latest news Now, due to the lack of electricity and higher costs in the markets, Abdul Aziz has to buy food every day, depending on what is available and what he can afford. But the party isn't the only thing he'll miss this year, he said. “There are family visits and gatherings, money is given to children, new clothes are bought for everyone, sweets are baked, Eid prayers are said,” he said. “None of this is feasible this year. Everyone is sad and has lost someone or something." Aya Ali Adwan, 26, had become engaged before the war began. Her wedding, set for February, was postponed, another celebration interrupted by the conflict. Originally from northern Gaza, she and her family were forced to flee eight times during the war. They are now sheltering in a cramped te...
UAW reaches agreement on pay and safety at electric vehicle battery plant

UAW reaches agreement on pay and safety at electric vehicle battery plant

More news - News 24 hours GM and Ultium released statements saying they were pleased with the deal. The union said it wants to use the Ultium Cells contract as a model to negotiate local deals at other battery plants that GM and its Detroit rivals are building. GM began production this year at a battery plant in Spring Hill, Tennessee, and has another under construction in Lansing, Michigan. Ford Motor plans two battery plants in Kentucky, one in Tennessee and one in Michigan. Stellantis, the maker of Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Ram vehicles, plans two battery plants in Indiana. Aside from a Ford location, these plants involve joint ventures that were brought under the umbrella of the UAW as part of national contracts the union signed with Ford and Stellantis last fall. The Ultium C...
Crisis in the Middle East: The United States imposes sanctions on the Israeli group for blocking humanitarian convoys in Gaza

Crisis in the Middle East: The United States imposes sanctions on the Israeli group for blocking humanitarian convoys in Gaza

More news - Breaking news The State Department announced Friday that it will impose sanctions on a right-wing Israeli group that tried to prevent aid from reaching people in the Gaza Strip by blocking trucks traveling from Jordan to the coastal enclave.The department's statement said the sanctioned organization, Tzav 9, was "a violent Israeli extremist group that blocked, harassed and damaged convoys carrying life-saving humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians in Gaza."Members of the group have tried for months to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza, the department said. They blocked roads on which aid trucks travel between Jordan and Gaza, including the West Bank, and in some cases broke into trucks, damaging them and dumping aid packages on the road, the agency sai...
In North Macedonia, disputes over history extend to statues

In North Macedonia, disputes over history extend to statues

More news - Latest news The center of Skopje, capital of North Macedonia, a Balkan country born just 33 years ago as an independent state, is flooded with history. A statue of Alexander the Great looms over the central square. One of his fathers, Philip II of Macedon, stands on a large pedestal above a nearby square. The city is also dotted with bronze, stone and plaster tributes to generations of other heroes from what the country sees as its glorious and very long history. The problem, however, is that most of the history exposed is claimed by other countries. Modern-day North Macedonia, born out of the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, has no real connection to Alexander the Great, who lived 2,000 years ago down the road in what is now Greece, and many of the other historical...
Amazon fined nearly $6 million over warehouse labor quotas

Amazon fined nearly $6 million over warehouse labor quotas

More news - Latest news An Amazon spokesperson said in a statement that the company is appealing the sanctions and denied that the company used "fixed quotas." Spokeswoman Maureen Lynch Vogel said that “individual performance is evaluated over an extended period of time, compared to the performance of the entire site team” and that workers can “review their performance whenever they wish.” . California law also prohibits quotas that interfere with employees' ability to take mandatory breaks or use the bathroom, or that prevent employers from following state health and safety laws. Experts said the law was among the first in the country to regulate algorithmically tracked inventory quotas and require employers to make quotas transparent to workers. The fines announced Tuesday are t...
Hunter Biden’s addiction shocked his family.  Has your family had similar problems?

Hunter Biden’s addiction shocked his family. Has your family had similar problems?

More news - Recent news Hunter Biden, the president's son, is on trial in federal court for falsely claiming in a gun application that he had not used illicit drugs. Testimonies from his ex-wife and his ex-girlfriends describe his drug-fueled character; look for his dealer on the streets; his large cash withdrawals from the bank. Hallie Biden, his brother Beau's widow who was dating him in the fall of 2018 when the gun purchase occurred, spoke of his erratic behavior, possession of rocks of crack and cocaine "the size of ping-pong balls, or bigger, maybe” and how she frantically urged him to go to rehab. She, like Mr. Biden, is in recovery. I write about addiction for the New York Times and have spoken to countless families who have shared harrowing experiences. I'm working on a...